Arhiva de cărţi

(toate cărţile au parola: istorialumii)

Roberts, J. M. - Twentieth Century, The History of the World, 1901 to 2000 (Viking; 1999)

editura Viking, 1999


"(...)In deciding how to set out the story, the most dangerous trap, potentially, was that of familiarity. All history is approached by the reader with certain expectations. I am very much aware of the pull of certain notorious dates. Some exercise an almost hypnotic effect, and shape our preconceptions without our being aware of it. As I began, there loomed ahead certain traditional and symbolic turning points - 1914, 1939, 1945, for instance - which could not be ignored. Yet these dates could easily be matched by others, once one slightly adjusted the perspective: 1904, 1905, 1917, 1931 were important, too. Arguments for saying so appear in what follows, but those dates themselves reflect the fact that some of the greatest historical themes of our century emerge because decisive historical action has in this century moved from the stage of European history to a wider stage, to, indeed, world history in the true sense.(...)"

Gregory Thimothy -A History of Byzantium

editura Wiley-Blackwell, 2005


"This book will serve to show to the wider public what a high level Byzantine Studies have finally reached. They have gone a long way from Gibbon's polemics (informed more by prejudice than facts and sound analysis) to become the highly sophisticated and interesting subject Timothy Gregory showcases in this book. The book covers the period from 306 to 1453. It is interesting to note that Gregory sets the formal beginning of the Byzantine period at 306 rather than any of the more usual later dates. This allows for a better examination of the context within which Byzantium developed." - byz

Passmore, Kevin - Fascism, a Very Short Introduction

editura Oxford Univeristy Press, SUA, 2002


"Kevin Passmore's excellent introduction to the subject succeeds on many levels [...] There are few books by a single author that deal with fascism as a generic phenomenon across the whole of Europe, especially one as concise as this, and as refreshingly free of jargon and the inevitable, interminable, typologies" - Tim Kirk, Times Literary Supplement

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